Direction Integrated Systems Company

    Direction integrated systems is a private joint stock company established under the law of companies of the Republic of Sudan 1925 and is listed under the law of companies registrationwithGeneral Commercial registrar under the number (36284). read more

  • Direction

    Navigation Systems

    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites read more

  • Direction GIS

    Geographic Inforamtion Systems

    A geographic information system (GIS) lets us visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. read more

  • Direction Surveying

    Land surveying

    Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them, commonly practiced by surveyors, and members of various engineering professions read more

  • Direction Fire Fighting

    Fire Fighting System

    Saving lives is the primary consideration when fire breaks down in buildings, and therefore people inside the building need to be informed so they canevacuatethe building quickly as possible before the fire spreads out. And therefore should be the means of notifying system inside the buildings. read more

  • Direction Technology

    Direction Integrated Systems

    Servers , Personal computers, Maintenance , Networks , Programming Software, Computer accessories read more

Sensitive Heads

influenced by high degree oftemperature, and must be sensitive to the degree that respond to by the detector and should not be too sensitive to natural variation in temperature of the weather which leads to false alarms. Another thing should account for , the nature of the place . This system should be installed away from places have abnormal rise in temperature due to the presence of sources of heating or use of the heat in the manufacturing purposes, or because place exposed to the sun.

Cooler heads

Fight smoke Detectors are two types, the first of which is affected when smoke or fumes or gases resulting from fire and crossed inside the ionization chamber, and the second type is affected once the objection smoke or fumes or gases resulting from fire-ray of the spotlight, electric cell.
The smoke sensors more sensitive than thermal, but there are some considerations in choosing the most appropriate and automatic alarms, it may not fit in some places, installing smoke sensors preferably by thermal or vice versa.

Illustrative visual indicating panels

Is usually installed in a suitable place approved by the fire authority , and every head of the host title pub thermal or smoke have a separate service-related index particularly on the part of the panel , so easy to infer the location of the fire . And the Panel have a means to experience the connections for the system to make sure the integrity and validity, and some of these panels have a means to clarify the false alarm caused by faulty connectionsto the system.

Wires and other connections for the system

Wires used in warning system should conform to the standards and approved by the technical official , it’s also necessary to have two sources of electricity for warning device ,electricity mainstreamas primary source , and Batteries as secondary source to ensure the warning system works in all circumstances .

Audible Warning Devices

Such as bell and whistle , and the voice of warning must be clear and audible within the building or in a designated portion of the building. Audible warning

device may not be appropriate in some placeswithspecial status , such as hospitals and department stores because it leads to panic among people inside the building , and therefore , the sound of warning device should be heard only in the control room and the audible warning device should be replaced with light warning device , which gives light signals in fire situation , until all the workers know the place where the fire occurred and take appropriate action or evacute the building in an orderly manner . calling the fire specialists calling fire fighter is an important step after hearing the warning device so they can control the situation . and this can be done by installing a direct line between control room of civil defense and the place where fire breaks out.

Testing and maintenance of alarm system

Must ensure on ongoing basis the safety and validity of the warning system and the adequacy of electricity resources feeding the warning system .. and testing the at regular intervals . be sure to inform the building occupants before the testing .
Checking system installation by the technicians in this business and should test the validity of the batteries of the warning system at regular intervals and writing the test result in its own notebook.
Care must be taken for Detector heads for the following :
Don’t cover the Detector head under the ceiling with any type of cover , Paint , for example so as not to lose its sensitivity .
Put a protector around the detector head to protect it from shacks or anything unusual but not affect its sensitivity.

Facts concerns Automatic warning System

Ceiling Height

When ceiling height exceeds 10 ft., heat detector spacing must be reduced. Early detection of smoldering fires with spot-type smoke detectors installed on high ceilings (greater than fifteen feet, for instance) is nearly impossible. A fire plume has an inverted cone shape; as the fire intensi¬fies, smoke and hear rises and the cone angle narrows. The fire plume becomes almost non¬existent where there is a smoldering fire. The smoldering fire is difficult to detect because there is no flame or heat to drive the combustion products to the ceiling. Once the fire intensifies, the combustion products will be driven to the detector, however, detection at this time could hardly be called early warning.

Our Services

Air Conditioning

HVAC effects on air flow and air stratification should be determined and considered when planning detector placement. In rooms where forced-air ventilation is present, detectors should not be located where air from supply diffusers could dilute smoke before it reaches the detector. This may require additional detectors, because placing detectors only near return air openings may leave the balance of the area with inadequate protection, especially when the HVAC system is not operating.

False alarms

False alarms are also common with smoke , heat detectors and building fire alarm systems. They occur when smoke detectors are triggered by smoke that is not a result of a dangerous fire. Weather high temperatures , Smoking cigarettes, cooking at high temperatures, burning baked goods, blowing out large numbers of birthday candles, or taking showers at high temperatures near a smoke detector can all be causes of these false alarms. False alarms can be avoided by installing less sensitive smoke detectors so as not to be affected by normal operation conditions .


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By using GIS to more efficiently bring information together, transportation planners are in a better position to review, analyze, and understand the problems they are addressing. This efficiency can save time and money, and can lead to improved decisionmaking. ”

Eng M.izzeldin Hamadto

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